23 June 2020 Granby City Council Meeting Agenda

Proposed Agenda June 23, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted June 19, 2020

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes, June 9, and June 18 2020

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

2) Closed Session re: personnel matters

3) 2020/2021 Budget

4) Solid Waste RFP

5) Bill pay procedure

6) Discussion re: new council-member appointment

Closed session in accordance with RSMo 610.021 (3) Re: Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of employees.

The Very Last Person Departed Granby South Ward City Council-man Ashley Edgemon Wanted to See His City Council Papers Has His City Council Papers & Other Things of Interest

I go to my house in Granby every day. Usually to get the water or take a shower and to make sure that the rat hasn’t unplugged the refrigerator or to use the old Windows 7 computer. Today I went to get the Granby City Council-Packets and today they gave me the minutes of their secret “emergency” City Council meeting to swear in Ashley Edgemon — but not Reggie Bard — so that Ashley could leave for Florida and the City Council could accept his resignation as planned back when Ashley filed at 4:49pm 22 January 2020 — 11 minutes before filing ended so as to defeat myself who had signed up on 15 Jan 2020. The Granby City Council deliberately made him file so they could later “appoint” a compliant meat-puppet meercat to further steal Granby blind. Ashley Edgemon left this past weekend.

As I drove to where I take care of Roxie, I seen an ice-chest in the small dumpster across from Ashley Edgemon’s former church. So I turned around and the workmen working on Skeeter Lamp’s back yard didn’t bat an eye. So I retrieved the ice-chest, a broken clothes hamper, a broken lawn chair, and saw some binders. I dug deeper. And there were approximately three-four years of the “City Council packets” made for the attention of the Granby City Councilmen for use at Granby Council Meetings. These city packets I have to pay for but Chad Heyworth gets for free as their tame newspaperman. The paperwork had stale coffee and pizza boxes soiling them buI I scooped them up and put them in the broken clothes hamper.

I also found the August 2019 Allieger-Martin sewer report that I shamed a copy from Ashley Edgemon and posted to the Internet. But what I found to show half-hearted shamefulness was a never-worn yellow Allieger-Martin 2X t-shirt which was given as a reward to the City Councilmen. That and Ashley Edgemon’s card holder. Ashley is obviously never going to be a pastor again. It made me mad because here Ashley was, shilling for $3.2 million in unnecessary debt lasting for the next 35 years and here he got a t-shirt and likely other stuff but never will have to pay a penny on it, not him or his kids. Just his stupid, stupid baal-sheep who listened to him and voted for him.

I also found the past city council-packets for March, April, and May 2020. Looks like I’ll not be needing to pay for them now that I got Ashley’s. He threw them away when he fled / r.u.n.n.t,-o.f.f.t. into the night to Florida. The June 2019 Dog&Pony Show Audit. Ashley was not even going to leave a copy for his successor — but he actually did as I’m notifying the Missouri Secretary of State, Attorney General and State Auditor for them to come to Granby and do their jobs.

The past five years of Granby City Hall criminality must be undone. I’ll be releasing these records rescued from the dumpster to those who ask. And as your next South-Ward City Councilman you will be able to see City business done with your tax dollars 10-15 minutes after I see what is on the plate and get my copy.

When I ran on four planks I meant them. 1) Disown Ashley Edgemon’s $3.2 million dollar sewer bond debt. 2). Fix the water pipes 3.) Plug the sewer leaks. and 4) Open the schools and businesses and keep them open.

We need to understand that it is up to us to fix our infrastructure and to hire them who will do it which means firing those who keep us from attaining our objectives.

The trash lady Tami tried to shoo me off but it was too late. I think I got everything except maybe a file or two as she picked up the dumpster and flipped it into the truck. I left behind a broken cork-board and broken picture-frames.

I found in Ashley Edgemon’s Church’s dumpster that it is not only evil which is banal, but representative democracy when run by such as Ashley Edgemon and Granby council-critters.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
2d Place Granby South Ward City Councilman.

What is the difference between a Blue-State Refugee and a Wandering Zombie wanting to bite a Granby Native’s Neck? . . . . You Tell Me.

Granby is pretty factionalized as it is. You have no idea as to how factionalized. Especially given that most of the factions lie as to their intentions and goals. Add refugees to the mix and it gets even more divided with a City Council made up of refugees trying to loot Granby of what little there is left from the shutdown of the lead and zinc mines in the late fifties and the fact that there isn’t much left.

The problem with economic refugees is that they seldom, if ever, want to allow the natives to live as they have been on straitened circumstances but must try to change it back to the very places they have destroyed. But Granby ALWAYS wins in the end. At the end of the day Granby has the human capital left from the sheer fact that the best and brightest can do far better for themselves in Neosho, Joplin, Carthage, Monett and especially Springfield. The best and brightest come back as changelings, half of them benign or even good, but some twisted and vicious like the previous mayor who centralized everything — fire department, police farce, the parks, even the Granby Cemetery — destroyed the only checks to his unaccountable power in the fire department, elected city collector, TIF Board, and even the Cemetery Board. Few, if any of the Granby City employees live inside Granby, when it used to be that city workers had to live inside and pay taxes to this municipality. Dissent was ordinanced away and the main dissenter, myself, arrested about a dozen times and threatened with arrest for ridiculing the corrupt mayors and City councils and employees the past three years. What you have is a system in which the refugees like yourself found common cause and ground with the absolute worst & greediest & stupidest of the natives to loot Granby even more.

There is a reason that a house in Granby is at least a tenth the price of a similar house in California, and 60%, if that, of a house in Neosho.

There is a reason why a native woman put in $109,000 in building materials and her new house inside Granby is worth only $75,000.

There is a reason why there are no Schubert-Mitchell $250,000 McMansions being built within the city limits of Granby but plenty of them outside Granby.

There is a reason why former mayors and councilmen and even city employees brag about no longer living within the Granby city limits.

There is a reason why I was able to buy old properties for pennies on the dollar simply because they were within Granby because the heirs to the old people who died didn’t want to live in Granby.

Now if you do move inside Granby and like most of the others before you once you get a bellyful of Granby decide to sell out then do so, but you simply cannot expect me to go along with your inevitably wanting to get a Neosho or Monett kind of price once you decide to move on so you will have enough money to get out of Granby and so agitate the corrupt City Hall to do so against the interests of those who live here and have no intentions of moving to do so. I don’t have a problem with you moving just outside Granby since it means that you won’t be adding to the main Granby problem which is its City Hall. Everyone living just outside Granby knows all about Granby and they don’t cause Granby people any trouble any more than people living in East Berlin caused West Berliners any problems. But the odds of you as a refugee coming to Granby and not being some sort of zombie or parasite wanting to bite me or the rest of the natives who love Granby the way it was pre-1987 in the neck are mighty slim or none, and I think Slim — if he ever existed — has just left the room. Refugees and zombies are so predictable because their needs & wants & hungers are always the same so they inevitably act the same.

The biggest reason for continuing Granby poverty and decline is because of its corrupt and idiotic City Hall and why the best thing to do is to dis-incorporate the municipal corporation, sell off the city utilities and let it go back to the County, which while corrupt at least doesn’t want to get involved in Granby poly-tics. Then it won’t matter about City Hall corruption because they won’t have a corrupt police farce to enfarce theys’ [s]will. Until private property rights for all are restored it makes no sense for making more than the bare minimum of effort to advance your property inside Granby. You can’t tear out that rotten single-wide from the Truman Administration because you need it to replace it with another used double-wide unless you are on the City Council. Dis-incorporate Granby and there will then be all manner of reason to build a Schubert-Mitchell McMansion or maybe even a Burger-Shack.

Granted, while I do not know you, I’m sure not hearing anything different from you that I’ve not already heard from the scores of refugees before you, so I think I won’t be manning the welcome wagon any time soon.