The Moral Imbecility of Tim Murphy on the “Granby-Flintville” City Council

Tim Murphy is not near as vicious as the rest of the Granby City Council-Criminals but just as weak, corrupt and stupid.

Barry Flint has done more to impoverish Granby through his bringing in a corrupt animal Granby Police Farce in order enforce charging (then $300 per month) exorbant fees for living in his crappy trailers as opposed to letting starter couples with small children or planning children buy an old trailer in clement weather for $2000 and $1000 to move it in and have something else to fix it up as opposed to paying that parasite who should be brought up on RICO charges along with the rest of the City Council-Criminals.

As mayor in 1987-88 Barry Flint did a good thing. He brought in a sewer system paid for mainly with federal and state grants for the “largest municipality in Missouri without a sewer system.” Those of us who moved in from the farm to be with Roxie and live in Granby proper still remember the stench of overflowing cesspools and latrines draining into mineshafts which flowed down-hill after a good rain. Nothing like the smell of sewage in the morning to take you off your feed.

So having brought in a sewer 90% paid for by federal and state grants the 10% has to be paid for even though the old people living on Rabbit Track Road got their lines from their homes dug for free. Living in a hovel costing $3000 in 1987 ZOGbux the digging by Pat Camerer cost $400. Later myself and Roxie would buy these old homes on Cobb Hill because the old people died and their children and grandchildren sure didn’t want to live in these old homes or in Granby and so I bought them cheap in the 1990s. Since the Granby City Council-Criminals along with their criminal Police Department were running amok back then and I wanted to sue them for free in Federal District Court I transferred the back property (The Hilkery) and north property (District of Summeyville) owned in half to my niece and nephews.

So the old timers would complain that “Barry Flint is charging me three times for the water going out than what water comes in.” “That scumbag that owns the trailer-park and laundromat has raised my utility rates.” But even when 90 percent has been paid for the ten percent has to be paid for. So Barry Flint on his way to turn Granby into “Flintville” initially did the People of Granby a solid. A solid lump of shit, that is.

So this schemer decided to reward hisself by turning Granby into “Flintville” in a nightmare “Itz A Wunnerfool Life.” Barry Flint may be quite intelligent in a ratlike sort of way but it certainly explains why military dictatorships always trump plutocracies making a mess of things for self-profit.

So in 1988 the very first of the single-wide trailer bans took place. Single-wide trailers — both used and new — were banned within the Granby City Limits except for in trailer parks, owned by Barry Flint and other owners. The old trailers were banned except for those already in place under color of “beautifying Granby” or more likely polishing a turd. The problem with a democracy is that self-serving criminals and parasites like Barry Flint seize the reins of power and instead of working for the common good they immediately set about using that power to enrich themselves and their families and friends.

It is the Flints, the Styrons, Gambles and the Channels who set about destroying their local communities by mining their social capital and then their human and heritage capital. And being criminals and parasites they love like T-Rampage Gamble, Ira Hawkins, Ashley Edgemon and all of the Council-Criminals to pretend that their thieving has the support of God and man, especially of those higher up in the criminal-regimeist Under Satan’s Administration food chain.

But Barry Flint and the rest of the council-criminals couldn’t do that with Dewey Beaver as Town Marshal. They couldn’t even do it with the Newton County Sheriff’s Department because they had their own higher-level criminality schemes to consider that they didn’t want to jail poor white people starting out wanting to have the children which will keep our culture alive. So they brought in the Granby Piglice Department as their enforcement muscle and the rest is infamous history of criminality under color of “law”.

In any case, I had such hopes for Tim Murphy as being on the “reform” slate until he got elected in Apr. 2017 and by late May 2017 you took part in a secret “emergency” council-criminal session the sole purpose of which was to allow Joyce Mann on the North Ward to buy a used double-wide for her daughter and family to put in violation of your own rules. The City Attorney, Granby Police Force — inclusing Jacob Kelley & Ms. Piggy Christina, T-Rampage Gamble, Ira Hawkins, yourself, and Will Barrett voted to suspend the rules and allow Joyce Mann to do so.

On June 17, 2017 you sat by while I was first arrested for violating Granby Municipal Ordinance #815 — allowing the arrest of myself for making fun of the Mayor T-Rampage Gamble was applied & I was arrested — and later coonvicted by Judge Charles Curless in a 2 hour 35 minute trial — which is still on the books but not enfarced because I filed for a trial de novo. All for asking why since T-Rampage couldn’t obey his own trailer-home ordinance then why make a new ordinance regarding “small houses” just because someone bought a storage shed and didn’t want City utilities?

No Tim Murphy, you are not near as vicious as the rest of the City Council-Criminals but you are just as weak, corrupt and stupid.