A Sign of the Times — [S]Election Day 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri

https://youtu.be/i4pgxEUJAso — Sign of the Times — [S]Election Advice for 6 April 2021 in Granby Missouri

For the first time in 25 years I did not run for something when able to do so, especially in Granby Missouri.

The reason is because I would prefer to boycott the [s]election given that [s]elections are corrupt farces in which the last thing meant is that the average citizen should choose for a systemic change but rather vote for the shit-sandwich that the powers that be choose for them. That is a reason for political party primaries and [s]election laws is so that having a true democracy and even a representative repub[l]ic can be dispensed with in all actuality while preserving the facade / display of having “the greatest cunt-tree ever” and “The AmurrrriKwan Way of life.”

In reality it simply does not work that way — not that it ever really did. Especially in Granby.

Last year around this time Governatard Mike Parsons — a 105 IQ pig from Polk County raised to the governaturdship by this thieving perverted jewboy [s]elected as governor who got caught running a Republican BDSM Family-Values Navy SEAL rape-dungeon for slutty whiggress hair-dressers so he had to resign — decided to postpone the April 2020 municipal & skrule bored [s]elections until June 2020 because of the rampaging ZOG-virus built in a Chink lab.

Running against me was this thieving baal-priest piece of shit, the incumbent Ashley Edgemon who lived next door to my Aryan Nations compound in the First Synagogue of Satan who worked for Allieger-Martin (and certainly not Jesus Christ) and wanted to share in the $830,000 to build an unnecessary storm-water sewer catchment plant. Certainly nothing to fix the leaky sewer pipes which leach sewage into the aquifer. So knowing that he would r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Floriduh from whence he cum he deliberately under pressure from the thieving Granby City Council lead by Crooked Ira Hawkins — the Second Worst Mayor of Granby — filed a whole eleven minutes before the filing period ended as part of a scheme to bypass dem[on]ocracy in favor of the thieving oligarchy that has [d]ruled Granby for decades and with the help of the native population turned Granby into the decaying shithole it is today with sewage & sulphur water to drink from leaking pipes from coontaminated aquifers.

So in return for not expressing my rampant racism on the biggest social media page of Granby Thots & Views and sticking to the campaign pledge to disown the Granby storm-water Allieger-Martin scam in which the Granby City Council-Criminals got a cut I instead agreed to work on fixing the water and sewer pipes, firing the incompetent and dishones Directard of Pub[l]ic Works and stopping the steal.

In the June 2020 municipal [s]election I got 20% of the vote and Ashley Edgemon got 80% and then as arranged all along proceeded to be sworn in, then to resign and then to r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t to Floriduh and then Crooked Ira proceeded to appoint Charlie Clown Brown, yet another thieving baal-priest serving the City Hall and Satan but never the People of Granby.

So isn’t that at odds with the notions of democracy as well as the Revised Statutes of Missouri? Sure it is. But the same thing happened back in 2003 when I came in second for Granby municipal judge and Steve White then got sent to Iraq with his National Guard unit. Neither the State of Missouri or Newton County much less Granby or the FBI or the jewspapers really give a shit when [s]elections go against whom they have bought.

Seventy-Five Million Trumptarded ZOGlings found out the same way when the Pretender Senile Joe & the Nasty Ho Kum-kum-allah “won” the Presidential [S]Election of 2020 that [s]elections are a fraudulent joke.

Anyways, over the past year as city council-criminals r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. be it Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett, or Box-Wine Wedgie Tard coonspiring in the failed Ms. Piggy/Wedgie Tard Thanksgiving Coup of 2020 or whatever, Crooked Ira Hawkins has appointed a series of baal-priest ass-lickers to steal Granby blind, even bringing out Senile Heifer Joyce Mann out of retirement (not retardment though).

After Wedgie Tard was forced out for her failed Thanksgiving Coup then Senile Heifer Joyce Mann was unretarded and put in. Then Bill-the-Buttlicker Barrett r.u.n.n.t.-o.f.f.t. to Carthage Missery with his pelf and was replaced by the new Bill-the-Buttlicker Kittrell, or as I call him Baal Shittrell. These thieving retards are placed into office so that the thieving cannot end.

Now Jaimie Arnall decided to run and so did Bobby Brooks, both long-time natives or Granby who love the town and its people. So Crooked Ira forced Senile Heifer Joyce Mann to run against Jaimie Arnall and of course Baal Shittrell wants to keep his position as North Ward Shitty Council-Criminal.

Pat Kelley decided to run unopposed to my South Ward City Council seat and of course JoAnn Lamp who by this time was the only City Council-Criminal who ever got a single vote ran again for re-[s]election.

JoAnn Lamp married Roxie’s older brother Clinton Lamp who was a sharp-businessman. Joann Lamp used to be Granby City Clerk and would use her powers to selectively disobey municipal ordinances for her favorite relatives. A relative of hers described JoAnn Lamp as a “fat greedy stupid evil old bitch with all the money in the world but it is never enough to where she got to get some more at public expense.” That is an apt characterization.

(Both Roxie’s and Clinton Lamp’s mother was best friends with Joann & George Martin’s mother. Joann always was an evil mean greedy bitch but George was the best whoremonger in Granby and would do myself, Pighook and Ralph a favor by breaking up a small herd of skank at The White Spot i n Granby by generously screwing the fattest, ugliest and oldest whores so that those younger & tenderer of us could get the youngest, cutest and tightest of the skanks as we wanted fresh pussy. George certainly cared for those of us wanting fresh whore pussy, reserving the real bad hides for hisself and like Babe Ruth swinging a double-heavy bat did the same with condoms. George was missed. JoAnn Lamp probably never except by the thieving and corrupt Granby City Hall & Itz Denizens.)


So anyways, if you live on the South Ward and are one of the 1000 registered voters then the only thing you should vote for is against raising the property tax levy to expand the Newton County Ambulance District Crooked Ira Hawkins and JoAnn Lamp are without any competition so the last thing you should do is vote for them. Pat Kelley who is running for my seat might be amenable to reason but then again running for my seat so I’m not going to vote for him. I’m not going to vote for Steve White running a municipal cash-register kort which needs to be disbanded. Nor for any other of the skrule bored members or for anything.

Only on the North Ward with 400 voters does it really matter. Vote for Jaimie Arnall and Bobby Brooks who actually care for the People of Granby. NOT Baal Shittrell nor Senile Heifer Joyce Mann who was overheard whining that she hoped to lose but ran anyways because Crooked Ira Hawkins and the rest of the Granby City council-criminals forced her to get out of retardment. Of course not voting for Crooked Ira and the rest of the bunch by default.

Voting is a scam and a joke and those who continue to ratify this fraud are collaborators in their own destruction. They should boycott their own dispossession.