What is the difference between a Blue-State Refugee and a Wandering Zombie wanting to bite a Granby Native’s Neck? . . . . You Tell Me.

Granby is pretty factionalized as it is. You have no idea as to how factionalized. Especially given that most of the factions lie as to their intentions and goals. Add refugees to the mix and it gets even more divided with a City Council made up of refugees trying to loot Granby of what little there is left from the shutdown of the lead and zinc mines in the late fifties and the fact that there isn’t much left.

The problem with economic refugees is that they seldom, if ever, want to allow the natives to live as they have been on straitened circumstances but must try to change it back to the very places they have destroyed. But Granby ALWAYS wins in the end. At the end of the day Granby has the human capital left from the sheer fact that the best and brightest can do far better for themselves in Neosho, Joplin, Carthage, Monett and especially Springfield. The best and brightest come back as changelings, half of them benign or even good, but some twisted and vicious like the previous mayor who centralized everything — fire department, police farce, the parks, even the Granby Cemetery — destroyed the only checks to his unaccountable power in the fire department, elected city collector, TIF Board, and even the Cemetery Board. Few, if any of the Granby City employees live inside Granby, when it used to be that city workers had to live inside and pay taxes to this municipality. Dissent was ordinanced away and the main dissenter, myself, arrested about a dozen times and threatened with arrest for ridiculing the corrupt mayors and City councils and employees the past three years. What you have is a system in which the refugees like yourself found common cause and ground with the absolute worst & greediest & stupidest of the natives to loot Granby even more.

There is a reason that a house in Granby is at least a tenth the price of a similar house in California, and 60%, if that, of a house in Neosho.

There is a reason why a native woman put in $109,000 in building materials and her new house inside Granby is worth only $75,000.

There is a reason why there are no Schubert-Mitchell $250,000 McMansions being built within the city limits of Granby but plenty of them outside Granby.

There is a reason why former mayors and councilmen and even city employees brag about no longer living within the Granby city limits.

There is a reason why I was able to buy old properties for pennies on the dollar simply because they were within Granby because the heirs to the old people who died didn’t want to live in Granby.

Now if you do move inside Granby and like most of the others before you once you get a bellyful of Granby decide to sell out then do so, but you simply cannot expect me to go along with your inevitably wanting to get a Neosho or Monett kind of price once you decide to move on so you will have enough money to get out of Granby and so agitate the corrupt City Hall to do so against the interests of those who live here and have no intentions of moving to do so. I don’t have a problem with you moving just outside Granby since it means that you won’t be adding to the main Granby problem which is its City Hall. Everyone living just outside Granby knows all about Granby and they don’t cause Granby people any trouble any more than people living in East Berlin caused West Berliners any problems. But the odds of you as a refugee coming to Granby and not being some sort of zombie or parasite wanting to bite me or the rest of the natives who love Granby the way it was pre-1987 in the neck are mighty slim or none, and I think Slim — if he ever existed — has just left the room. Refugees and zombies are so predictable because their needs & wants & hungers are always the same so they inevitably act the same.

The biggest reason for continuing Granby poverty and decline is because of its corrupt and idiotic City Hall and why the best thing to do is to dis-incorporate the municipal corporation, sell off the city utilities and let it go back to the County, which while corrupt at least doesn’t want to get involved in Granby poly-tics. Then it won’t matter about City Hall corruption because they won’t have a corrupt police farce to enfarce theys’ [s]will. Until private property rights for all are restored it makes no sense for making more than the bare minimum of effort to advance your property inside Granby. You can’t tear out that rotten single-wide from the Truman Administration because you need it to replace it with another used double-wide unless you are on the City Council. Dis-incorporate Granby and there will then be all manner of reason to build a Schubert-Mitchell McMansion or maybe even a Burger-Shack.

Granted, while I do not know you, I’m sure not hearing anything different from you that I’ve not already heard from the scores of refugees before you, so I think I won’t be manning the welcome wagon any time soon.

Noted Carpetbaggers & Scalawags of Greater Granby. Part 1

Having been called a “carpetbagger” as is the wont of Granby carpetbaggers and scalawags, let’s first give forth a definition of the term. Like back in 1988 I was called an outsider from South Dakota in the local newspaper by the wife of one of the most egregious “scalawags” of Granby who made ordinances as mayor outlawing private trailer-home ownership within Granby so that he could act as a slumlord of the local trailer parks and charge higher rents. A great deal was made of the fact that I was not one of the local inbreds and didn’t want to cheat them but rather to live in peace with them on my own dime. As a matter of fact that mayor should have been jailed for RICO act violations but the point was made — and understood by some — that some dygenic inbreds have a preference for being cheated by one of their own rather than have to tolerate an outsider who they think thinks he is better than them. Oh well, such is life in Granby and the first rule of living in Granby is that GRANBY ALWAYS WINS. Sort of like the Star Trek Next [De]Generation episode Skin of Evil the best and brightest left Granby long ago and if they cum back too often they are changelings who want to change Granby but in a dark and twisted way, like T. Rampage Gamble the Worst Mayor of Granby.

I’ve been living in Granby since 1987 since living just outside Granby since July 1965. As for the term “Carpetbagger” that referred to someone coming into the defeated South looking only to loot their population and move on . . . sort of exactly like yourself, and most of the city council, except JoAnn Lamp, who was married to Clinton Lamp and oldest brother of Roxie, whom I live with. By the way they came from Nebraska to Monett and moved to Granby in 1969 — four years AFTER I arrived. If you wish to call the Lamp family “carpetbaggers” as well then what of it? Most of them are good people. JoAnn is not a Lamp but rather a “Scalawag” to use a bit of lingo, like “carpetbagger” from the post-bellum First Civil War.

A “Scalawag” referrs to the criminal element which collaborated with the “carpetbaggers” out to loot the local community. The carpetbagger is a thieving looting criminal outsider who as an outsider needs the traitor within the gates to loot the local community efficiently if at all. Jim Channel cums from a long line of Granby scalawags who have done such a good job in keeping Granby impoverished and its infrastructure the way it is today. Jim Channel doesn’t live in Granby, but picks up $40,000 in salary plus $500 per grave opened using a grave-digging device attached to the cemetery backhoe. Jim Channel inherited the job from his father Kenneth Channel, who likewise looted the City of Granby. The long terminal decline of the City of Granby infrastructure can be laid at the paws of the Channel Family, which are like the Jukes & Kallikaks — but worse.

As a candidate for both South Ward City Council and East Newton R-6 School Board is would recommend that the voters in Granby pursue voting no to extend the $12,000 (now much less) sales tax extension in favor of splitting the $500 grave opening fee to $400 for the cemetery and $100 for Jim Channel, especially since T.Rampage Gamble brought the City Cemetery which used to be a lot more independent under the control of the City Council — where the trust fund is now under as well. I fail to see why the struggling elderly and poor must pay for the upkeep of the graves of their loved ones — I have a father and mother and brother buried in the “New” (since 1897) Granby Cemetery — when the inflated grave opening cost of $500 should go into maintaining the cemetery and not Jim Channel’s pocket because of an arrangement made with the Granby City Council.

Insofar as a slight difference as to your past history is concerned, as a public figure running for public office I could post the police reports when you, Sabrina Thomas and David & Lawna Price in collusion with the Granby Police Department was trying to arrest me for something last year. I found it highly informative. Not to mention all the people who find me in one of the aisles and just have to tell me about you and who to drop the sheckel to about your doings. And who can forget the time last year that you wished a miscarriage upon the wife of the person who set off the baby-gender thermite boom? If only when you had run off then you had stayed runnt-oft!

If you want to haggle with me about the details of your criminal history then we can arrange that, as I have numerous blogs of my own, particularly www.granby-mo.xyz/blog . But this Facebook Granby Thoughts & Views is not the place or time to be having this discussion.

The Grate T-Rampage Gamble / Danny Bush Landlord Accountability Debate

I used to go to city council meetings more than the council-critters, particularly the old and aged ones who used to vote as the rest. And I remember the debate about making the landlords pay for their errant renters — eventually. Once Barry Flint decided to let it go forward.

Here is a City history lesson:

Barry Flint used to show up at City Council Meetings all the time to advance his interests. After all it is Barry Flint being Mayor back in 1987-89 who brought in the 90% “free” sewer paid for by the feds and state grants and then, in order to make sure that poor people couldn’t buy a used mobile home and put it in for a few thousand and then not need to rent from him at high prices got passed along with the sewer authorization some pseudo-zoning ordinances back around the same time. After all, if you bought a used single-wide for $2000 and a $1000 to move it then you wouldn’t need to pay $300 per month in rent to Barry Flint and you would have it paid off in a year. But the sheriff of Newton County didn’t want to enforce such ordinances — at that time there were far more profitable corruption avenues than working as “law enforcement muscle” for Barry Flint — so the next order of business was in doing away with the post of elected city marshall held by Dewey Beaver who would not go along with that or anything more than writing his one ticket per year at the end on June. So what was needed to enforce “municipal ordinances” was a thoroughly corrupt Granby Police Farce answerable only to Granby City Council-Criminals.

Barry Flint made hisself head of the Police Board and thus the rapes, robberies, assaults, and general overall thievery which has made the Granby Police Department [in]famous are properly laid at his door. A few years ago when there were vacancies, I applied although both myself and Barry Flint knew that was a dead issue. Jaime Arnall would have a better chance of getting on the T[hievery] I[nfinite] F[raud] Bored than myself on the oversight board over Granby Piglice.

So back in 2015, during the first year of the T-Rampage [Mal]Administration, when the subject cum up about going after deadbeats not paying past-due city utility bills, Barry Flint shut that discussion down by claiming that the Missouri Supreme Kort had just made a ruling that landlords couldn’t be made to pay for the city utility bills they left behind. When I asked where and when they allegedly said that, T-Rampage ruled that I was out of order and the council-criminals, having gotten their dispersal orders from Barry Flint let it drop.

Ashley Edgemon was there at that meeting. A few years later, when they revisited making the landlords have to pay for the bills of their renters and Danny Bush was chewing on T-Rampage’s butt about it, Barry Flint, having made arrangements for the new ordinance to pass (which is a felony-level RICO offense) must have “forgotten” about the mythical Missouri Supreme kort ruling. Within the week I asked Edgemon if he had remembered the previous objection, and Edgemon said yes he had. “So why didn’t you bring that item up yourself?” Edgemon claimed to have ‘forgotten.’ Yeah right. What a clever clever baal-priest. Ashley had his orders.

These Granby City-Criminals violate the Missouri Sunshine Act all the time. They don’t even bother to hide that they do at all any more. Those of you who were listening to the Facebook streamed video on the $4,946 Flint Enterprises 4K[ickback] system with the 3% audio dynamic range system which could have been better streamed on a $30 Logitech webcam bought at Best Buy don’t understand that real city councils at Neosho or Joplin don’t and can’t do business this way. They have posted agendas, opportunities to speak, Robert’s Rules of Order, … no Municipal Ordinance / Bill of Arrainder #815 outlawing making fun of the mayor and council-critters for their stupidity, greed and corruption.

Now they have learned the trick of passing “Resolutions” to where in theys’ little minds they can simply do whatever they please without notifying the People of Granby that they are about to purchase in advance of 2032 the old Styron store just before the shutdown comes and to buy some other property that they want without having any debate or discussion. This is a violation of the Missouri Sunshine Act as while they are supposed to have a public agenda, they are not supposed to go into even a quasi-public meeting — a bare six days before re-opening up — already deciding to purchase new city property with tax dollars.

Yes, the City of Granby is a criminal organization which needs to be have its municipal corporate charter destroyed and dis-incorporated and city utilities sold off or farmed out like the trash service and the police and road services returned to the County — which is itself corrupt but not having any alliegances to certain coonected people in Granby. The Styrons have coonived with the Granby City Council to have the taxpayers of Granby buy them a new store for $250,000 and to sell their old store for $253,000. Such a deal. But I think that Barry Flint was a far more efficient predator and parasite because Barry Flint made it to where nobody is certain of having any private property safe from the Granby City Council-Criminals and their animal corrupt Granby Police Department saying that you cannot put a trailer house or small building on your own property and who will literally unleash a bulldozer upon your property to tear up the ground or shred trees and erode your land without any due process of law except for their own secret councils.

This pandemic bids to kill up to a fraction of a percent of the entire population. But the Collapse of life-support economic, financial and government systems bids fair to kill around 90% of us, or at least those of us unable to discern reality.


Granby City Hall Proposes, Reality Disposes — 30 April 2020

The first ever Facebook Livestreaming of the pathetic April 26th City Council Meeting was a corrupt farce as is most of their endeavors. Supposedly 70 people listened into live via Facebook stream as did I with a cell-phone hot-spot. At first I couldn’t even see it but then I reduced the live feed from 1k to 480p resolution but that gets boring fast because the audio range is all of 3% or less and I am not a lip-reader. When I asked two former council-men whether they had watched they confirmed that they hadn’t because they are fatalistic that the current bunch will do whatever they please and they simply decided that they didn’t care any more. Why raise their blood pressure unnecessarily?

So I bought a lie-paper so I could read the ‘oafishul’ press release of the meeting. According to the Newton County [Fake-]News they have the delusion that some contractor is going to build 20-30 cheap housing units much like the Cedarwood Addition way back in 1972 when they built up the garment factory. Sheer delusion. At least back in 1972 working-class wages were rising as the Vietnam War wound down. Now in the face of what is predicted to be “worse than the Great Depression” construction is down because collapse is here.

One woman I know who loves Granby told me that the house she built is worth less than the building materials she put into it. I told her that you want your properties looking less valuable to the tax assessor unless you want to sell. Since she doesn’t want to live in Springfield or Neosho where they are trying to get her business acumen and work half as hard to get twice as much, living in a $120,000 house with a $75,000 assessment is the best thing possible. She tried to work with the the thieving TIF district which lost its relevance after the People of Granby bought the Styrons a $250,000 metal building to lease to the Dollar General Stores corporation but they would have nothing of working with her to rehabilitate Granby’s rotting and decaying heritage of the brick buildings built when Granby was relevant around the turn of the last century. All the TIF district is used for is as a slush fund for the City Council — it should have been dissolved long ago to pay for five daze instead of four days per week of the day-care which passes for modern education by the East Newton School District. So she asked to remove her ten or eleven properties out of the TIF district and was ambushed by the City Council at the demand of the new TIF board chairman — who moved his feed store over to Neosho. Thankfully the TIF district ends and maybe they will fix the T.Rampage Gamble exercise gym, er, Granby Community Building built in 1934 by Feather-Duster Rosenfelt’s New Deal WPA works department. In short, it can be cheap to live in Granby but one should never buy the lie that the City Hall peddles that if only Granby residents will vote in higher taxes and thus provide the tax capital then Granby City Hall will use the money wisely to help pull Granby up by its own bootstraps.

Problem is that the thieving Granby City Council keeps on stealing the bootstraps. As a result Granby has the highest sales-tax levy in Newton County of 7.93 percent rounded up to 8 percent. Which is why I go to the Dollar General Store in Granby, buy whatever I need for a dollar or so and get a printed receipt offering twice a month of five dollars off a $25 purchase. Then on Saturday I go to the new Dollar General Store just off Mo 59 & US 60 on the south side of Neosho which is 100 foot outside the Neosho City Limits and pay a total tax of 1.78 percent or one-fourth the Granby rate.

So the current delusions of Granby City Hall is that from a tax base of oldsters — the kind most vulnerable to Covid-ZOGvirus-19 — the crackheads, and child molesters and what few working-age adults working in Neosho are left now that utility rates are higher than in Granby that they are going to build mini-Neosho, mini-Monett, mini-Carthage, or even mini-Joplin. Not going to happen, as I asked Randy Turner using my Swillis-Gumpff-Turner persona, how are you going to keep them down on the sheep farm once they’ve seen Gay Jewplin? In fact their delusions can be seen by singing the Jefferson Starship song from back in 1986 — before they got the sewer put in — We Built This City.

We built this City,
bum, bum,
We Built this City,
bum, bum,
We built this City . . .
On Crackheads & Chomos . . .

Once you get this in your head I defy you to leave it.

Anyways, between the Boomers dying of old age, and Covid-ZOGvirus 19 there are going to be plenty of properties available all over and at a lot more upscale than Granby as people can’t pay their taxes or rent elsewhere back in places that there used to be jobs. There isn’t going to be any new houses built. In fact, last year in showing a friend from Chicago eastern Newton County towards Monett I was struck at how many McMansions were springing up outside the city limits as the prosperty then meant that no one wanted to live in town with all manner of silly people making up silly rules not applicable to themselves. There are not going to be built any Schubert-Mitchell $250,000 McMansions built in Granby as Granby is not Carl Junction or Webb City, former working-class neighborhoods which did fix themselves to where they are tony neighborhoods. Rather, Granby will go the route of dying towns everywhere where they will harass normal people with all manner of rules not applicable to the local power structure. After all, just everyone cannot put in a mobile home, much less a single-wide or used double-wide unless you are a council-criminal’s daughter in which they will hold an “emergency” meeting and ignore their own laws with the connivance of the Granby police and city attorney and make a “special case” applicable to themselves. Plus they will arrest me for protesting their hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Speaking of which, the City Council-Critters decided to take advantage of the pandemic in order to keep me from being there to ridicule them so they were emitting gaseous delusions of grandeur (and of adequacy) and getting high from their own flatulence. They delusionally yapped about having a “discussion” in which no-one not a council-criminal or city ‘worker’ or presstitute lackey or policeman was allowed to attend less than a week before the State of Missery Emergency was lifted. They presumed & pretended to “Plan the Future of Granby” when there wouldn’t be anyone to provide any such “discussion.” Most of the time, like at the March 10, 2020 City Council meeting, I was threatened with arrest by Granby police chief Jacob Kelley for moving my $130 Sony digital camera behind his police tape. I protested, saying that their Flint Enterprises $4944 4K[ickback] camera got five feet behind the tape and never recorded audio and that the police tape should be moved back three feet at least. Kelley said that he would arrest me and turn off my camera if I didn’t move it before his precious police line which he got to set according to his whim. So I moved it before his police line with a surly comment about how the English treated the Irish as they deserved.

In short, Granby City Council-Criminal stupidity and criminality is a feature, not a bug. I used to have more productive meetings when playing spades or hearts at the Fulton State NutHouse with three schidzos of whom at least two of them any given time had their noses up in the air to where if it had rained inside they would have drowned as they listened to their “angels” / inner -demons as the voices in theys’ heads. These local politicians are delusional and/or criminally insane and drunk on power and belong in jail, not City Hall.

The $4,944 Flint Enterprises 4K[ickback] system that they purchased no-bid has 3 percent dynamic range if that so you can’t understand what was said. I downloaded the Facebook video feed. You have to use video auditing software in order to boost the dynamic audio range and my Windows 7 Movie-Maker software is not up to the job. One of these days I might edit in some sub-titles. But what I did listen to upon boosting the dynamic range 400% was pretty boring and idiotic. It reminds me of last year when at a TIF meeting Ira Hawkins proposed finding out ways to get multi-millionares and billionares to move to Granby and put up McMansions. Well, at least it is a preview of the upcoming #SenileJoe Biden Administration.

The State of Missouri has already cut $275 million out of the 2021 state budget, Lazy Boy and Leggit & Platt laid off most of their workforce, and only an idiot would build anything new in Granby. There is not going to be any municipal sewer bonds sold and municipal court is now closed until June 11th. City Hall isn’t going to get any new spending increases and certainly not from strapped people looking to decrease their taxation, not raise it by 10-25% through annexation by Granby City Hall. I don’t know how many people have told me at the grocery store or restaurant how proud they are that they don’t live in the Granby city limits. In fact, practically none of the Granby City Hall employees live within the City limits although while not giving in they are taking plenty out.

The City police force, now that it has better things to do than to arrest me for making fun of the Council-criminals, should be concentrated in preventing looting when things get worse. The courts both state and federal and local are shut down and there is a second wave coming of the mutated virus in October that will be far more deadly. Right now we got some people who are breaking in with impunity because the jails and prisons are releasing them because being locked up during a pandemic is a death sentence.

In short, there will be far more strains but far less resources to handle the crunch as it falls upon the City of Granby municipal corporation. The City Clerk — the she-Mayoress — is running things by default while she cannot even run a feed store. The City Hall is dreaming of expansion while the rest of the county, state and national economies are collapsing. It is indicative that while they spent $4,944 on a no-bid 4K video-camera system to favored vendors that they should have bought a $30 Logitech web camera or $200 Sony digital hand-held camera for recording their meetings all along. They knew of those failures for the past few years, but favored that because they don’t want to leave a record of their corruption and stupidity. I asked for and paid for the video of 10 August 2019 secret meeting to put the sewer bond on the ballot and there was no audio. They refuse to spend $20,000 for a real audit by the State Auditor in favor of $15,000 Dog&Pony Shoah Audits by favored audit companies which will provide them with a “confidential management letter/codicil” no available to myself of the public for the past four years. During the recovery from the Great Recession they spent everything they had, raised utility rates to where it is more expensive to live in Granby, leaving nothing for the Greatest Terminal Depression which is upon us and bids fair to be worse than previous depressions.

But then again, in closing you Citizens of Granby have voted for this the past six years and so like the past city councilmen perhaps it is what you deserve. But the chickens are coming home to roost.

A Last Word on the Subject

It looks like my commentary has been deleted. Not to worry as I have it saved on my Granby-Mo.xyz/blog. I do not post after 10:00pm. I can well imagine the complaints to Jeremy about my observations. So since I don’t want to get banned again by popular demand I’ll desist for now in stating the obvious, viz:

A lot of people living in Granby will be cut off from city utilities altogether as they won’t have the income to make payments they used to have to struggle to meet.

In seeking to live there might well be a number of options taken by desperate people to survive resulting in bad consequences arising from having no water, sewer, gas or sanitation.

There was $177,000 of their money which will not be used for their relief because it was deliberately spent on something else.

Mayor Ira Hawkins and the Granby City Council are responsible for their spending decisions and how they went about it.

Reggie Bard will be no source of reform if or when she gets elected.

We will see what happens, but I’m pretty sure that it won’t be a surprise.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; for Granby Shall NOT Prosper

We’ve had this debate as to why evildoers do evil things, especially when they get any authority. Someone like Ira Hawkins and the City Council say they are going to somehow “help” out a bit maybe. The TIF after it fulfilled its purpose in buying the Styrons a new $250,000 metal building was applied to them as a slush fund. You applied to get your family buildings out of the TIF district as did I. I even gave them a stamped self-addressed envelope so that they could obey the law. And regardless they still refused to obey the law and our property taxes went to the TIF slush fund for 2019. On March 10, 2020 they passed a “resolution” so that the Styrons could cash out in advance of 2032 for selling their old building for the ‘new’ police station. There is $177,000 in excessive meter fees which were applied to benefit the Styrons and I hear of no intention to ever roll back the meter fees to even $10 per month.

The sewer bond issue is a dead issue because everyone is buying T-bills while the printing presses run. Remember all the times since the Nov. 2019 [s]election when you pointed out to me that probably not one sewer leak has been fixed. Nor was it. It was simply a scam so that Allieger-Martin could get $830,000 to spread out in kickbacks to the passing parties in the Granby City Hall while the sewer users got their sewer bills to go up a minimum of 26 per month. Now half the population of Granby don’t have the extra $26 or the average of $30 water bill plus the $40 for the sewer under the old rate. What is going to happen is that the smarter will simply let the utilities be shut off, catch their rainwater, flush their tolets and do the wash with that rainwater — since the city workers won’t dig to fix leaks they sure won’t dig up the sewers for non-payment, drink bottled water and cook with bottled gas and just dump their trash. The end result will be the collapse of the City utilities. As with the trash service what needs to be done with the water and sewer is to sell them to Missouri American Water Service and the gas service to some private company and simply charge a franchise fee of a couple of dollars per month going to the municipality. T-Rampage Gamble and Ira Hawkins fired Paula Corsel because she would do the book-keeping to their liking, yet Lawna Price not only doesn’t do the book-keeping but not even the billing yet she is the “She-Mayoress.”

This Corvid-BoomerRemover biowarred virus will cum back in the fall. This bioweapon has been engineered so that even if you get it this spring chances are you have no immunity when like the Spanish Flu of 1917-1918 it becomes even more deadly in the 1918-1919 season. It spreads and is infectious between cats and likely dogs. So no real vaccine is possible. My latest puppy was vaccinated for ‘Coronavirus’ on March 3, 2020. It hasn’t affected Newton County just yet because the temperatures are headed to over 80 degrees. And the population is such that while Asians are five times as likely to get it as whites, so too are the Africans and Hispanics four times to get it than whites, which is why New York City, New Jersey, Detroit, Philadelphia, Seattle got it worst and the death rates are higher. But when the flu season returns in the fall, it will have more impoverished ZOGlings without much in the way of resistance or the means to buy their way from exposure.

So how does this affect Granby? Granby used to be the cheapest place to live. Thanks to T-Rampage and Ira Hawkins that is not the case any more. In fact it is cheaper to live in Neosho and Monett and where the jobs are. So what is left are the elderly and the crackheads and chomos and on the down and out. We already have had the expected Financial Collapse. Now we have the ongoing Commercial Collapse as small businesses fold and even the larger like La-z-Boy and Legitt and Platt lay off everyone. Soon, very very soon we shall have Government Collapse as states and counties and municipalities are spending and no one is able to pay taxes because they must spend for the lives of their own families. No one will want to raise their sales taxes or property taxes. The half-cent sales tax for Newton County is dead — who wants to pay the sheriff to evict them for non-payment of property taxes?  Probably the one-eighth sales tax for the cemetery — let the dead bury the dead as Christ counselled. The scheme to tear down old buildings is probably going to be put on hold as soon, very very soon a lot of old people will die off and like me buying a bunch of old houses because nobody wanted to live in Granby during the 80s and 90s there won’t be the money or point in doing so. As you pointed out yourself to me, it makes no economic sense to build anything new or elaborate in Granby.

The $177,000 dollar payoff to the Styrons needs to be set aside.  The People of Granby bought them a new commercial building — they need to turn in their old building in return. The sewer bond issue is defunct for now — it needs to be revoted on and set aside permanently. The gas meter fees need to be rolled back. The City Clerk, City Public Works Director, and Granby Police Chief need to be fired and replaced with far more modest and hardworking employees who understand that they work for the People of Granby — NOT the crooked and inept City Hall reptiles. There should be a place at the City Park where the poor can fill up 5 gallon jugs for drinking water. There should be a place for public dissent at City Council Meetings as opposed to being threatened with arrest and actually jailed for doing so. The municipal court should be abolished as municipal ordinances are voided and law enforcement except for a city marshall and night watchman reverts back to the County like pre-1994 Granby.  

Face it, the decline of Granby has been mandated through City Hall. But the People of Granby told to “pull theysselfs up by theys’ own bootstraps” have foolishly voted in the highest sales taxes in Newton County. They don’t seem to realize that it is austerity which makes for efficiency. When you are in a hole, stop digging. When you are in quicksand, stop strugging and start floating your way to the top.

Such is my vision of what Granby needs to survive. Everything set aside which has been killing us. But first we need to understand the problems and understanding that the problems were caused by problem people who are not that way because of ignorance but because they are evil. Evil comes from evil trees, cf. Matt 7:15-20

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Matt 7:15-20

No Jaimie/PollyAnna. Ira Hawkins is a bad corrupt tree which yields bad corrupt fruit. How could it be any different? Like Eve you believe Serpents selling you some rotten bad fruit and if you eat of it, like both myself and YHWH warns, you shall surely (no, not Shirley but Jaimie) die — as will Granby from enough bad debt and worse policies.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

Isaiah 10:1

Pastor Martin Lindstedt, CJCC/AN
Candidate on Granby Ballot South Ward City Council & East Newton R-6 School Board

Reopen the Newton County R-6 School District on 29 April 2020

I predicted that East Newton R-6 would close down the schools a few days before they did close.The purpose of the closure was to give the oldsters time to self-quarantine at the end of flu season. But now it is three weeks later and those who were wise acted accordingly to the signs of the times. The foolish, poor and desperate had no choice other than business as usual.

I am not going to predict anything such as the good sense in opening up the businesses and the schools, but as a candidate on the ballot for East Newton School Board R-6 and a write-in candidate for the Nationalist Party for Governor of Missouri I recommend that schools and businesses re-open and that those at risk for dying or serious injury from this bio-warred influenza/SARS-2/Boomer Remover virus self-quarantine themselves.

I recommend leaving it up to the parents to decide whether thay want their children to attend school. The purpose for attending will be to learn or for purpose of child-care and feeding the district school children. Nor does this opening have to be for the entire grade but for as many days as the parents want to bring them to school. The children should be assigned a laptop or tablet and have a cell-phone hotspot connection. Let’s also understand that things will never go back to Pre-Collapse “Normal” and in order to transition to the new ways / really old ways then changes in education and taxation will just happen to follow.

The virus is particularly striking the big cities. I don’t see any virtue in self-jailing myself but do wear one of Jaimie Arnall’s cloth masks because I don’t want to give it to Roxie.

You want to get this virus after temperatures reach 80 degrees so that you will have some limited immunity for the Second Wave of this flu when it re-arises come September-October. The first Midwest communities which understand the panic-pandemic and learn to live with it will be the first to recover from what is a long-term situation as polio and smallpox were not eradicated except in better times and it took 30 years to do so. Tuberculosis we will have with us always. I like what is happening to the Blue Zones but see no point in following their collapses of finance and public order here in Newton County.

I know that most people think I’m a maniac. Well, maybe so. But those in this East Newton R-6 School District needs a fore-sighted far-seeing thoughtful maniac that will think outside of the box with the other members doing business as usual in these rapidly unusual times.

Will the Current East Newton School Board Close the School on Tuesday because of the Corvid-19 “Boomer Removal” Virus?

Whenever this Corvid PLA/CIA “Boomer Removal” Virus hits like in the case of the Seattle nursing home outbreak they find out that it was dormant for a month to six weeks. So likely it is already in Granby. There won’t be classes Monday because the district can’t afford a five-day week partly because the funding is wasted on a TIF fund which is used as a slush fund for the Granby City Council.

Tuesday starts “Spring Break” in most locations. I’m running dead last for Skrule Bored but I predict the following:

The governor declared a state of emergency Friday March 13th but gave the option of local school boards having the option to close. The Missouri Department of Aging closed to visitation all the nursing homes unless it is a dying time for those resident. This virus will kill at least half of them when it infects the residents, but then again the average stay in a nursing home is six months or less under normal circumstances.

The colleges and universities are closing and going on-line. So are most of the sporting events. Did anyone see the madhouse at Walmart Friday? Had more cars than Black Friday. Reminds me of the panic I seen on 9-11 at the Fast-Trip and Six-Ten as people figured out that the government wasn’t going to save them back nearly 20 years ago. Anyways,

Now the school-age children have adequate lung capacity per body weight, and are in the best health that they will ever be in. They are what you call “a-symptomatic carriers” like Typhoid Mary. They can come down with it and be sick a little bit or be totally a-symptomatic. They will of course carry the virus home with them and kill off their grandparents and some single-mom parents. All of this is understood but the governor, a weak and corrupt man decided to shove the decision onto the local Skrule Boreds. (A former Polk County sheriff Parsons listened but never did weigh in when I instigated a debate between two candidates for Newton County Sheriff back in 2016 as to whether it was better to taser or just go ahead and shoot handcuffed prisoners. Such is the professionalism of Missouri “law enforcement”.)

So, Monday is “No Skrule” at what I call “The Whigger Factory” in which children are turned into consuming producing animals because the East Newton Skrule Bored hasn’t the money to go five daze a weak. They let the Granby TIF district take out the funding so that the Granby City Council can have a slush fund to suppliment the ailing general fund and to buy the Styrons a new metal building to rent the Dollar General Store and to sell the old store for a “new” police station and have the natural gas users pay for it. Greater love hath no Granbyites that they will believe this crap about taxing their way to prosperity so they gave up $500,000 in taxes for the love of connected insiders, says so in the Bible or somethang like that.

So Tuesday cums and that raises the question of what next? I predict that they will have Spring Break because they will be told that if Junior goes to skrule he will take the “Boomer Removal Virus” to Granny and Gramps & they’ll be Raptured to Cloud 666 or to that Big Walmart in the Sky (or Underneath). By the time Spring Break arrives the “Boomer Removal” Virus will have an “Oafishul Outbreak” in Granby, the stock market will be down to 12000 (or less), Senile Joe Biben will croak after naming Michelle Obama as his running [pri]mate and Granby might consider roadblocks to traffic coming in on US 60 and E & B highways. Just saying.

( I did ask Jacob Kelley what the governor told him along with Jim Channel and the She-Mayoress the City Clerk, but have had no response as yet and expect none.)

The smarter solution will be to keep the teachers teaching by having them come to the school and divide the students into quarters with them having furnished computers or tablets with an wi-fi hotspot to do their lessons with. As always the smarter students will learn regardless of inputs while the idiots will learn nothing useful. The public school system is a failure and with increased poverty shall come decreased funding to pay for these failures.

The public school system has largely been a failure because it costs so much and does so little insofar as raising a responsible younger generation. Most of the local property taxes go to the school, it doesn’t really teach most of the younger generation much of anything worth learning but in fact is used as a sort of day-care for forcing their parents to have to both work in order to live a poor life style. As this virus — which will not go away — runs its course the limitations of the current educational system shall become obvious in that those who don’t work hard while confined at home until the older weaker generation dies off won’t work hard to learn anything while at home or bussed to school. So if the level of ignorance remains the same whether the kids go to school or not, then what reason to keep on paying high taxes to maintain a failed system? Teacher’s pensions which failed during the financial collapse as their 401(k) plans becum 101(k)s then None-Oh-One k’s?

A bunch of the old and sick will die off because of this bio-warred virus but the question is whether the schools will reopen. Probably, at least for a little while.

I am of course running for skrule bored but cannot get an interview since telling the lie-paper that my solution if elected would be to mandate weekly head-lice and green-card inspections. That and I freaked them out at a candidates meeting a few years ago. However given that there is a current crisis as things are falling apart you need to vote for a candidate that thinks outside the box and break the glass and pull out the fire axe.

Pastor Martin Lindstedt CJCC/AN
Candidate for East Newton R-6 School Board

24 September 2019 Granby City Council-Criminal Meating

Proposed Agenda September 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
Posted September 20th, 2019

Council Meeting will be held at Granby City Hall
302 North Main Street

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

6:00 p.m. Meeting called to order and roll call

1) Approval of Agenda as presented

2) Approval of Minutes September 20th, 2019

Regular Business:

1) Bills to Pay, Balances on hand

2) FYI Street Lights

3) FYI Street Repairs

4) FYI Mayor Hawkins


The Granby Missouri 2014 Water Survey Summary

Section IX “Implementation & Costs” 
Summary of five pages.

“Build a $750,000 Well #3 Water Tower, 
$220,000 Additional Costs, raise the water 
bills by 229 % to get state & federal grants”


Of a 100+ page Water Report from Sept. 2014 these five pages concerning the recommendation and how to pay for $970K improvements is the summary.

This Engineering Report has Well #1 and the East Tower #1 both made in 1906 as a reserve system.

This 2014 Water Study compressed into five pages recommends that a $750 thousand water tower be built at Well #3 instead of pumping Well #3 water to Well & Tower #2 and other improvements costing another $220 thousand. To pay for it via “grants” from the federal and state governments but you won’t get the grants unless you raise the water rates by 229 percent.

What the Granby City Council did was to do nothing other than to raise water rates by 100%.

The importance of the 2014 water study was that it recommended making real capital improvements to be paid for by grants made possible by raising water rates by at least 229 percent.

Build a new Water Tower #3 at Well #3 at a cost of $750,000 and sundry improvements at Well & Tower #2 for $220,000 and raise water rates ASAP.

The Granby City Council had no intention of building any new water tower or following any recommendations of this 2014 Water Study other than raising the water rates by at least double or more

The five pages of Section IX detailing the proposal and how to pay for it is the core of the 100+ page 2014 Water Study.